
5. German Scottie Weekend 2012

This year, the Scottish Terrier Club decided hold the annual Scottie Weekend in Grevenbroich in thw western part of Germany. The property of the local Shepherd Club provided a perfect “ambiente” for the event and with the active support we had a wonderful weekend. As a particzlar highlight, the club invited Geoff Dawson, the well-known Professional Handler from the USA (specialized on Scottish Terriers), to come to Germany. (a short bio of Geoff Dawson can be seen here  ---->  click)

The Fun Day in Saturday was again held with the motto “We are active with our Scotties”. Der Spaßtag am Samstag stand wieder unter dem Motto „Wir sind aktiv mit unseren Scotties“. Throughout the afternoon, various diciplines and activities were offered and the 60-70 Scottie fanciers (in a good mix of private owners and breeders/ exhibitors) participated with their dogs.  DSC_0795

The first event was presented by Team Dog Tricks. Kristina Schnichels demonstrated a short free style with her Jack Russell Terrier joined afterwards by Petra Detemple with her Scottie bitch Portia. Together, they demonstrated how  to learn different tricks and also how worthwhile this discipline is for both the dog and its owner. You are active together as a team, it can be done anywhere without extra cost, the dog is challenged mentally and physically and, last but not least, it’s a lit if fun!

DSC_0832The next event was Agility. In the run, Heike Pröse and her bitch Jock demonstrated, how excited a Scottie can be in this sport. They also showed some Obedience elements. After her demonstration, the ring filled up quickly as many visitors wanted to try agility with their dogs.  DSC_1011

Then is was time for our Fun Parcour. Nicole Reifert und Petra Detemple came up with lots of new ideas in order to challenge not only the dogs but also their owners. You could win extra points for instance if crawls through the tunnel himself in front of the dog. In another position, the dog had to pick up a trat from a bowl of water while the owner, at the same time, tried to grab a piece of apple swimming in another water bowl  - great fun for the participants and the audience!

DSC_1028Later in the afternoon, Petra Detemple presented Longeing. In this discipline, the dog must be controlled and directed only by visual signalsBei dieser Disziplin geht es darum, den Hund ausschließlich auf visuelle Signale hin zu dirigieren. Mit ihrer sich noch in der Ausbildung befindlichen Scottie Hündin Mabel zeigte Petra Detemple and her bitch Mabel which still is in initial training demonstrated impressively how to intensivy the bond between dog and owner.



Parallel to all the sports activities, Geoff Dawson, the renowned Professional Handler from the USA, started his program which also gained a lot of interest particularly from exhibitors and breeders present. First he gave a Grooming demonstration and the surrounding spectators could adopt many tips and tricks.

P1010546Then Geoff Dawson gave a  Handling Demonstration. Here he also had many tips and tricks for the exhibitors. He also took an unexperienced dog on the leash and it was very impressive to seehow quickly he was able to build a connection with the dog and gave him assurance. Finally, interested exhibitors could join the ring with their dogs and received some advises from Geoff.


The Scottie Race was a nice final event on Saturday. Approx. 15 Scotties showed up on the short race track with or without their owners.

At the end of the day, the winners were celebrated: Guess won the Fun Parcour and Reggae won the Sprint.
Gathering on the terrace of the club building the day finished off with a delicious barbecue.

Sunday was the day of the Scottie Special Open Show. Our judge was Geoff Dawson who handled and touched many of the best Scotties in the USA during his 20+ years as Professional Handler. But he also got a good view on the Scotties in Europe based on his regular visits at shows and also during his apprenticeship at a US breeder who continously imported dogs from England and used them in his breeding program.

He judged very professionally, focussed in presentation and gait and went over the dogs on the table carefully - while on the other hand showed a lot of patience with less experienced dogs and handlers. His critiques  were very detailed and meaningful (giving the scribe a hard time to write down everything said).

34 dogs were presented, with bitches in the majority, and 4 braces. The exhibitors came, in addition to Germany (some from distant areas), also from The Netherlands and Luxembourg.


The winners - Sir Darnley’s Uncut Unity (BOB) and Lucia’s Dream Stevie Wonderful (BOS)

For the results of the Scottie Special

---> click here

For pictures from the Scottie Weekend
(Many thanks to Jörg Stephan, E. Wellendorf und M. Kludaß)

---> click here