
Results Cufts Birmingham 10. March 2024

Scottish Terrier: Detailed results


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Kriscots He’s A Rebel At De La Pomme
(McVan’s Big Bopper at Beamup’s - Kriscots Sterling Silver)
Breeder: Helen Krisko (USA); Owner: Ohavida Jurathavee (USA)


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Verascott Pearl Queen
(Trakside Royal Indian - Verascott Juicy Couture)
Breeder: Ch Hovagimyan (F); Owner: Ch Hovagimyan (F)


Best Puppy

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Perhaps Special Edition at Verascott
(? - ?)
Breeder: V.P. Kimpumäki (FI); Owner: Ch Hovagimyan (F)

Best Veteran

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Spice Up Your Life of Dominoscots
(Stuart The Little ze Szkockiego Wzgorza - La Envida Negra ze Szkockiego Wzgorza)
Breeder: & Owner: D. Kubisz (PL)

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