

Remarkable results achieved by Scottish Terriers in the Main Ring at German shows and German Scotties abroad:


Huntings Moon BIS KasselAt the Int. all-breed show in Kassel

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won Best Terrier (BIG) and Best in Show!

Huntings Moon BIG Kassel


Marland Deliza BIG Brüssel 2At the Int. all-breed show in Brussels

Marland Deliza
(Own.. L. Braun)

won Best Terrier in Show (BIG)!


Huntings Moon BIS2 BonnAt the Terrier show in Bornheim

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won 2nd-Best Terrier in Show (BIS-2)!


Marland Deliza BIG Brüssel 1At the Int. all-breed show in Brussels

Marland Deliza
(Own.. L. Braun)

won Best Terrier in Show (BIG)!


Huntings Moon BIG2 DortmundAt the Int. all-breed show in Dortmund

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won 2nd-Best Terrier in Show (BIG-2)!


Aurelia BPIS WeilheimAt the Terrier show in Weilheim

Aurelia Aura of Perthshire
(Own.. C. Glenk)

won Best Puppy (BIS-P)!


Marland Deliza BIS Remse2At the Terrier show in Remse

Marland Deliza
(Own.. L. Braun)

won Best Terrier (BIS)!


Marland Deliza BIS RemseAt the Terrier show in Remse

Marland Deliza
(Own.. L. Braun)

won Best Terrier KfT (BIS-KfT)!


Huntings Moon BIG2 KarlsruheAt the Int. all-breed show in Karlsruhe

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won 2nd-Best Terrier in Show (BIG-2)!


Emil NRW-Sieger 2024 + BIS (002)At the NRW-Winner show in Hürth

Sir Darnley’s Emit Echo
(Own. B. Grimme)

won Best Terrier in Show (BIS-Terrier)!


Huntings Moon BNL Stove SoAt the Terrier show in Drage/Stove

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won Best Short-legged Terrier and Best in Show (BNL, BIS)!

Huntings Moon BNL Stove So


Ryanara BIS3-Puppy StoveAt the Terrier show in Drage/Stove

Rynara’s Radiant Dream
(Own. U. Luig)

won 3rd-Best Puppy in Show (BIS-Puppy-3)!


Maclaurin BIS Baby StoveAt the Terrier show in Drage/Stove

Maclaurin’s Greta Garbo
(Own. M. Holsten)

won Best Babyt in Show (BIS-Baby)!


Huntings Moon BNL Stove SaAt the Terrier show in Drage/Stove

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won Best Short-legged Terrier and 2nd Best in Show (BNL, BIS-2)!

Huntings Moon BIS-2 Stove


QS Patty BIS-P-2 StoveAt the Terrier show in Drage/Stove

Quicksilver’s Patty
(Own. E. & J. Stephan)

won 2nd Best Puppy in Show (BIS-Puppy-2)!


Huntings Moon BIG-3 LuxAt the Int. all-breed show in Luxemburg

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won 3rd-Best Terrier in Show (BIG-3)!


Nefertari E-E BIG GelsenkirchenAt the Int. all-breed show §German Winner” in Gelsenkirchen

Nefertari Euri-Escot
(Bes. W. Winowicz/PL)

won Best Terrier in Show (BIG)!


Huntings Moon BNL ViersenAt the Terrier show in Viersen

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won Best Short-legged Terrier in Show (BNL)!


Huntings Moon BIS DorstenAt the Terrier show in Dorsten

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won Best in Show (BIS)!


Huntings Moon BNL GudensbergAt the Terrier show in Gudensberg

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won Best Short-legged Terrier (BNL)!


Marland Deliza BNL OsthofenAt the Terrier show in Dormagen

Marland Deliza
(Own.. L. Braun)

won Best short-legged Terrier in Show (BNL)!


SD Easy BNL DormagenAt the Terrier show in Dormagen

Sir Darnley’s Especially Easy
(Own.. M. Bichel-Schnock)

won Best short-legged Terrier in Show (BNL)!


Huntings Moon BIS DormagenAt the Terrier show in Dormagen

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won Best in Show (BIS)!


SD Emit Echo BIS LudwigshafenAt the Terrier show in Ludwigshafen

Sir Darnley’s Emit Echo
(Own. B. Grimme)

won Best in Show (BIS)!


Huntings Moon BIG2 BrüsselAt the Int. All.breed Show in Brussels

Hunting’s Moon del Colle di Ottone
(Own. U. Luig)

won Best Junior Terrier (BIG-J) and 3rd Best Junior in Show (BIS-J-3)

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